Rolling a Canvas
Do's & Don'ts
Be sure you use flexible materials - See the above video!
Roll around a tube - You can use a cardboard tube or create a roll of bubble wrap to roll your canvas around.
Roll loosely - Don't roll super-tight; keep a bit of looseness/air in your roll.
Use textures mediums you have not tested for a roll - Yes, been there, done that! I strongly you to do a "test" painting with the texture you plan to use. Let it dry thoroughly and then do a roll to see how it stands up.
Roll glitter or fleck textures - Generally, these are going to loosen and fall off your canvas. If you need bling on your artwork, use pigments (sealed), paint/inks or experiment with metallic leaf (again, test it to see how it reacts).
Be afraid of a roll - Painting on raw canvas can be perfect for very large pieces or pieces that will eventually end up framed or mounted. Working on rolled canvas can be a bit of a learning curve, but once you understand how it performs differently than stretched, you can confidently save time and money using it!