You found a print or painting you love, but…it’s too small for the space you need.
Here are a few simple tips to create a larger piece for your space:
If it’s a print, contact the artist or supplier to see if larger formats are available.
If it’s a painting, you can contact the artist to see if they can create a similar commission piece in a larger size.
If none of the above works, you can take a small painting or print and create a large piece by following these steps:
EXAMPLE: an 8” x 10” artwork matted and framed in a larger frame.
STEPS TO MAKING A PRINT OR ART PAINTING LARGER (without enlarging the image)
Decide the size you need in the final finished format. If you need something 16” x 20” or larger and the painting is only 8” x 10” you have options!
Purchase a frame with a mat in the final size needed. For this post, we’ll us 16” x 20”
Be sure the frame has a large mat or you can buy a separate mat.
Undo the back of frame locks and remove cardboard backing
Place the mat in the frame. It should fit perfectly. For example, a 16” x 20” mat will fit into a 16” x 20” frame.
Position your art/print in the window of the mat opening.
You can use removable tape to secure the corners or seal it all around. Use removable just in case you need to move or re-position the art.
Replace and secure the frame backing.
Turn over and check placement.
You can make a small piece somewhat larger or a large piece even bigger with a mat and a frame.NEED IT EVEN BIGGER?
You can make it even large by double-matting the image: