First, Understand the Types Of Abstract Art:
Art can say a lot about who you are and how you see the world. Some people visit museums to get in touch with social commentaries of the past while others purchase pieces to enhance the aesthetic of their home. There are any number of art styles and forms you can choose from, including:
● textured art
● oil painting
● spray painting
● enamel painting
● leaf painting
● watercolor painting
● acrylic painting
● abstract art
Too many to list!
Each different type of art brings unique and different perspectives, materials, mediums, and more to the world. On top of that, each different type of art has numerous sub-types to further help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
What Is Abstract Art?
The list goes on… there are many ways to describe and categorize abstract art.
Abstract art is when an artist creates a piece expressing their inner emotions and thoughts in a way not possible with traditional styles. Often described as “emotive,” it is a more free-flowing way to paint with colors and textures and movement vs. the more restricted and define representational art, such as a photographic-type landscape, still life or portrait.
While there have likely been abstract artists throughout time, the popularity of the style started in the late 19th century. As realism became less popular in the early 20th century, different types of abstract art started making it to the forefront of galleries and homes. People became more familiar and drawn to it’s expressive style of color and emotion vs. obvious subject.
Artists like Wassily Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock were key players in turning this trend into the accepted and praised artistic fashion it is today. Although there isn’t a single definition as to what it means to be abstract, you can identify it as something being unique and drastically different from forms of realism. These pieces can take an aspect of the real world but it’s usually not grounded in reality.
If you’re looking at a piece and want to determine if it is abstract, consider the elements of the piece, including:
● Form
● Color
● Line - Movement
● Tone - Shades
● Texture
If all of these elements seem to be realistic and true-to-form, it is unlikely that the piece is abstract. However, if you find that colors don’t match up to real life, the textures are unique, and forms that look like something unreal, it’s likely you are looking at an abstract art piece.
Additionally, there are different types of abstract art. One of the great things about abstract art is that it doesn’t have to fit into a pre-defined box. However, there are a few categories that most abstract pieces fall into.
MINIMAL IN COLOR and STYLE, NEUTRALITY is a type of minimalist abstract
Minimalism Abstract Art
Just like the name suggests, minimalistic abstract art uses few features to highlight the look, feel, and emotion of the piece. Usually, as the name suggests, minimalism prides itself on using as little as possible, from brush strokes to shapes or colors. One of the elements of minimalism is specifically removing personal expression from the artwork. In some cases of minimalism, you will definitely see expression, but it is kept to a minimum wherever possible. The entire point behind minimalism abstract art is to expose and express the beauty in purity.
Abstract Expressionism
On the other end of the spectrum is abstract expressionism. In this art form, the emotion and expression in the piece are sometimes taken to an extreme. Many expressionism artists find their inspiration in surrealism and the extreme breaking away from convention. The works created may be distorted or overblown for dramatic and emotional effect. With abstract expressionism, the entire goal is to express emotions, thoughts, and feelings boldly, vividly, and powerfully.
GEO is an minimalist-geometric form of abstract art.
Cubism and Geometric Abstract Art
Cubism is considered one of the most prolific forms of art and is actually what originally began the abstract art movement. Cubism led to other art movements, as well, such as constructivism, futurism, and suprematism. The techniques used in cubism abstract art break down people, objects, and ideas into a cube-like form.
This is meant to reflect the basic composition of the subject from a variety of viewpoints. Artists like Pablo Piccaso and George Braque helped revolutionize this form of artwork. You can find paintings, sculptures, and more by both historic and current cubism artists around the world in museums, galleries, and showrooms.
CONTEMPORARY-STYLE ABSTRACT - Golden Horizon is a modern/contemporary landscape
Impressionistic Abstract Art
Soft and undefined, yet with a slight representational feel, impressionist-style abstracts can depict people, landscapes, floral arrangements, beach scenes. They often have soft tones and slight “blurred” effect. Paintings like SPRINGTIME (shown above) are softer and lighter than other types of abstracts.
Surrealism Abstract Art
It’s important to understand that surrealism isn’t simply a style of abstract art, or even just an art style in general. An entire artistic movement came from surrealism. The premise of this movement is to help explore the mind and illustrate the unconscious. Due to this, the majority of surrealism art pieces that look not only different from reality, but off-kilter in a way you don’t normally expect to see. Some surrealist artists work very specifically to highlight the strangeness or abnormality in the pieces. Surrealism abstract art offers unique and interesting looks into the human condition, the subconscious mind, and the world in general.
How to Understand Abstract Art
It’s ok to not understand a piece of art.
As you start to view and appreciate different types of abstract art, you may find that you simply don’t understand what the artist is trying to convey. While this isn’t always the case, many times abstract pieces can be so abstract that they are hard to fathom. It’s ok to not understand a piece of art. In fact, you can not understand what the artist is trying to convey, but still appreciate the art itself.
However, there are also numerous abstract art pieces that are easy to understand. You might even find specific pieces or artists call out to you. This is the true meaning of art in general, and the basis of abstract art. Art doesn’t have to show the world in the way it is - it can be shown in the way it feels.
No matter what your favorite type of abstract art is, there are fantastic artists out there creating pieces you’ll love. From soft and flowing watercolors, to modern textured acrylics, to a beautiful oil painting- there is beauty and unique perspectives to find, no matter what your favorite medium, style, or genre.